
Xy / Sai


Hello there! I'm Xyles.
Any Pronoun | Adult | EN/ID | Mainly Bahasa
Genshin Server : Asia

  • Snezhnaya's Greatest Toy Salesman Simp.

  • International Relations major, sometimes I will talk about politics.

  • I'm quite neutral to any ships except with characters like Klee or Qiqi.

  • Zhongven, Luckae/Kaeluc, Chilaeth. That's right, there's a Luckae/Kaeluc and Chilaeth. You know the drill, folks - either scroll away or block me. I do multihip too, though. As an example, I find Chiluc's dynamic interesting.

  • Not a minor but not comfortable stating my age. My account is semi-NSFW.

  • I tweet about anime and manga/manhwa too.


Here are the things you should be wary of before following me :

  • Semi-NSFW, not for minors

  • I ship BL/GL and enjoy fun side cracks like Diluc/Human!WGS or Durin/Dvalin because they're funny to imagine. You've been warned. The unfollow and block button is available.

  • Some of my ships may be seen as problematic, if you saw one and dislike one of them unfollowing me is fine.

  • I enjoy chaos. What I meant by that depends on a lot of things.

  • If you can't respect other's opinions and can't differentiate between reality and fiction then I recommend you not to interact with me. At all.

  • Do not interact if you're; Pedophiliac, Homophobic, Transphobic, Problematic, Racist and Close-Minded. Please don't make me actually fight online.

  • You've seen my ships, you've read the warning. If you're an antis or the likes, don't interact and just scroll away. The world is wide enough for all of us, you know?

I'm serious. Heed these warnings.